Different names of Veena

Ancient scriptures and literature reveal that Sage Narada who is believed to have blessed Tyagaraja with his treatise on Sangeeta Sastra was himself an exponent in Vina and played an instrument called Mahati. It is intresting to note that the scriptures and Purana-s have called Vina by various names. Saraswati’s Vina has been referred to by names like Vipanchi, Kacchapi, Vaiki etc; Vishuavasu’s Vina has been called as Brihas, and Tumburu’s as Kalavati.

VALLAKI, MANIKYA VEENA of Shankaracharya’s references, KACHCHAPI Veena of Saraswathi, MAYURI Veena referred by Kalidasa, SHATHATHANTHRI Veena etc. The present type is the innovation of 24 frets & 7 strings of Govinda Dixithar (1614 of Thanjavur). This is to facilitate to play infinite varieties of Ragas & specially the 72 melakartha ragas or more. Hence it is known as GAYATHRI VEENA, SAPTHANAADI VEENA or SARVA RAAGAMELA VEENA.
Since various forms of deities have been established at various positions, it is also known as SARVADEVAMAYA & SARVAMANGALA Veena.

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