
Ancient texts set rigorous standards for construction of the Veena. It’s major components are the ‘Kudam’ (the main resonator) at one end over which the main bridge is located,, the ‘Thandu’ (stem) connecting the ‘Kudam’ with the head (usually the face of a curved mythical animal called ‘Yali’) , row of frets located at the top of the stem and the ‘Yali’ head.joined to the other end of the stem. It has a minor ‘kudam’ (non functional resonator used as a support) located at a spot off the ‘thandu’ just before the ‘Yali’ face. The four metal strings for play are run over top of the row of frets and the metal strings for keeping the ‘thalam’ (beat) are run along the side of the stem. Knobs are provided to adjust the tension of the strings as needed. An illustrated figure of the Veena is provided for better understanding. sarasVeena_tmb

Texts prescribe that all parts except the strings, bridge and the minor ‘kudam’ be made of wood, seasoned over many months after it is hewn out of a well matured healthy jack tree. The minor ‘kudam’ might be made of a hollowed ‘suraikai’ (gourd) after hollowing it and drying it into a sturdy shell. In recent times the minor ‘kudam’ is also made of papier mache, fiberglass, light metal such as aluminum. A specially constructed Veena in which all the three wooden sections are carved out of a single piece of wood (no joints) is called ‘Eka kanta Veena’.

The frets are to be of metal (brass) set over the stem by using a mixture of wax and charcoal. Texts identify the four main playing strings as ‘anumandiram’, ‘mandiram’, ‘panchamam’ and ‘saarani’. Of these four the ‘sarani ‘ and ‘panchamam’ strings mainly used for play are made of steel and the ‘mandiram’and ‘anumandiram’strings used for base notes and adding melody are made of copper or brass. The three strings used for keeping Thalam’ (beat) are identified as ‘pakka saarani’, ‘pakka panchamam’ and ‘theevira sarani’ and these are made of steel.

The richness and quality of musical notes emanating from a well maintained Veena improve with it’s age and frequent playing on it.

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